A higher dosage of kratom is only to be used if you are suffering from chronic pain. Apart from that there is no reason for you to consume kratom at that level of dosage. Mostly people prefer a little uplifting in mood, for that it is best that you reside with a medium or low dosage of kratom. Keep in mind that no matter how low the dosage is, it is best that you avoid driving or lifting heavy things while under its effect. This might sound strange to you as people usually consumed kratom leaves to increase their physical strength a bit and to concentrate. The reason for avoiding driving while under its effect is the uplifting in mood, it might cause an increase in confidence while might lead you to cause accidents. There are many different ways to consumed kratom, if you are looking to enjoy the benefits of kratom, it is best that you make kratom tea.

You need to have kratom powder or kratom leaves in order to make this. Careful measurements of water and temperature are required while making this tea as too much heat can change the effects of kratom. People in the United States usually prefer tea as a mode of consuming kratom. The reason behind is simple; it is hard to chew dry leaves. Drinking fluids like tea, usually gives a person a very soothing feeling. The flow of a mildly hot liquid down the throat with a good aroma to it, welcomes the good mood of a person. It has been noticed that after consuming the perfect kratom tea, people have shown significant signs of socializing and being friendly. Some even report to have an increase in sexual abilities. It is not that hard to make kratom tea, keep in mind that the taste of this tea is rather bitter; you can add honey to it for flavor. There are different versions of making this tea flavored.

For starters, you need to measure out exactly 15 grams of kratom powder or the leaves. Now add 500 milligrams of water to the container in which you are going to make the tea. It is best that you boil this mixture for about 15 minutes. You need to boil it until there is only 100 milligram of water left, after that, pour the tea into a glass using a strainer. The powder which gets remained in the strainer is still good enough to make you another batch of tea. This would only happen if the powder is of high quality. Revise the same procedure for the second batch. Adding honey can change the taste of the kratom tea or you could boil it down to decrease the volume even further. This would help you to finish the tea in a gulp.

There are other ways of making the perfect kratom tea. The perfectiveness of the tea depends on ones taste. For the best recipe, it would be best that you surf the internet.

Kratom is prepared and imbibed in many ways. Traditionally, fresh kratom leaves are chewed in Thailand. Dry leaves can be chewed, but their rough texture makes it a little difficult. The leaves and resin are used to make kratom tea, and the powder is mixed with drinks or added to certain foods.

Toss and wash method:  You toss the kratom powder or extract into your mouth and wash it down with a liquid, preferably water or fruit juice.

Suspension method:  In this method, you add the required amount of kratom powder or extract into a bottle filled with liquid, shake it well and gulp it down. Try using a citrus based drink to mask the taste of kratom. Mix the kratom in a cup of juice, stir it well, and drink it.

Capsule method: This is a good option for people who tend to gag at kratom's taste.

Food addition method: Add the powder to pudding, apple sauce, or yoghurt to avoid the bitter taste. 

How to make a cup of kratom tea 

Step 1: 

For every liter of liquid use 50 grams of crushed leaves. Take the crushed leaves and add them to a pot and add a liter of water. You can add less or more of the kratom leaves based on your tolerance levels. Add a fine, preferably enhanced version of kratom powder to the water to make a strong brew.

Step 2:  

Boil the leaves for fifteen minutes in the water. Stir occasionally for the first ten minutes, but don’t stir in the last five minutes.

Step 3: 

Remove the pot from the flame and strain the kratom liquid into a container. Press or squeeze the leaves to strain off the excess water into the container. Avoid using strainers, if you are making kratom tea with kratom powder. Use a coffee filter instead as this prevents residue powder from slipping into the container.

Step 4:  

After step 3 has been completed, repeat the steps two and three a couple of times. This ensures that you get as much of kratom tea as possible. Make sure the quality of the latter extractions. If the second and third boiling (before straining of the liquid) yields a strong, bitter tasting liquid, continue the straining process. If the boiled liquid has a bland taste, don’t strain the liquid, as all the alkaloids have been removed in the first and/or second extraction. 

Step 5:  

One you have extracted enough kratom tea, throw away the leaves. Some people do like to chew the strained leaves. The extracted liquid has a bitter taste, so drink it in one shot or top it with fruit juice. 

Step 6:  

Kratom tea is not a pleasant drinking experience. You are better off drinking smaller quantities till you can stomach the taste. 

Step 7: 

The kratom effect begins in ten minutes to half an hour lasting up to four hours. 
You can also make kratom tea with resin by adding it to boiling water. Add milk and honey if needed

Kratom is an alternative to drugs, and nowadays, people use it widely mainly because of its medicinal advantages. Many people may feel the dire necessity of finding kratom for their health benefits, but they are often unaware of its reliable sources. People who intend to buy kratom but do not get someone who can provide it to them may look for kratom vendors. As it is an age of technological excellence, you may not go far for your necessity because there are many online kratom vendors who can provide what you need. In fact, kratom is not available everywhere in the world, and some may think it is quite difficult to find one in help. This may be a notable reason for the increasing numbers of online kratom vendors.

Kratom vendors are responsible for bringing prepared kratom powder that works. There are a good number of vendors who earn by supplying kratom extract powder to numerous customers. Online purchase has been on a triumphant march in line with the easy access to the internet. Similarly, people find lots of online kratom vendors who also take the advantage of advertising their products or promoting their businesses through online marketing which is possible only through online business.  Online suppliers that are reputed are generally known for providing healthful kratom powder. They collect fresh kratom leaves from craft kratom plant found in the wild areas. Then, they prepare kratom powder from fresh leaves. These fresh leaves are usually meant to have very powerful alkaloid profile.

The above mentioned fact is not true in case of all online kratom vendors. There are many people who believe online kratom suppliers cannot be their reliable sources. This is not actually a vague idea that online sources can be untrustworthy. We know it very well that there is hardly anything that possesses no bad effects. Of course, there are some parameters which help customers differentiate between authentic online kratom vendors and dishonest or unworthy suppliers. Reputed or reliable vendors offer various types of kratom powders including red vein borneo kratom and red indo kratom. They also provide super green indo kratom. However, those vendors who are simply incompetent fail to provide these varieties. The most reliable parameter is the quality and reasonable prices. Most online kraton vendors cannot provide the best quality kratom powder at considerably reasonable prices. The ugliest truth about them is that they will always assure you what they are often unable to provide. So, the resolution that customers should take is that they should look for reputed online vendors who can ensure both quality and cost-effectiveness.

It may seem difficult to us to find one that can be our dependable kratom provider as there are many vendors that do their businesses through online marketing strategies. They follow effective marketing and promotional techniques which may easily overshadow the originality of their products. For this reason, you need to be mindful enough to get the best products that work for you. The best way you can adopt is you can check their company or professional profile and look for the reviews made by the previous consumers. This way may help you gain deep insights about online kratom vendors.